Wendy de Jongh | 06 28 999 078

the proces

the complexity of this new educational program leads to a number of stakeholders. not just the innner circle of inholland impact makers, but also wider in the organisation. what is most important to take into account is the impact this program will have throughout the organisation.

getting people onboard is important and needs to be handled with care. the proces of this assingment is descibes along the rubrics. evidence and sources attached accordingly. good to know that the assingment was actively supported by the organisation and it is only the start. a follow up is planned, however this is executed beyond the scope of the assignment.


several stakeholder wer involved to get a wide perspective on the challenge.

Alle were involved in differnt stages of the proces. Starting from providing back ground information, formulating the challenge, providing feedback on the model (ptI & II) to invited to get involved through mail, the mystery box and the questionaire.

1. Reuben Wijnberg

teamleader CRB labs, impact maker

2. Lida van Stralen

projectmanager inholland impact makers

3. Karin Beckhoven

co-designer TtT-program inholland impact makers

4. Eric Wiersma

learing coach minor 'samenwerken aan een toekomstbestendige stad', domain business, finance & law.

5.Miriam Uitterhove

lecturer bouwkunde, liason education, research and workfield

6. Marleen Bartels-Schilt

learing coach minor 'samenwerken aan een toekomstbestendige stad', business research centre.

framing & reframing

the interviews was the first step to frame the challenge. after the desk research of the documentation provided the challenge was reformulated. key to the succes of the change is commitment and involvement.

Based on the high impact of storytelling (fryer, 2003) a story was created and presented to several stakeholders. it became clear that the choice of words (metropool instead of city) had to be carefully picked.

the story was then translated into the model (pt I) and tools.

evaluating & transforming

overall feedback was positive. the three fases of Kurt Lewin's change model - unfreeze, change and refreeze - were added to the model (pt II).

stakeholders suggested involvement of students in the process and more clear instruction in the goals of the proces and project.

relevancy for the organisation

the model and tools provides four key elements of succes

1. learning by doing is encouraged

2. creative and invites to interactive co-creating

3. concrete & visible

4. small steps leading into a great future

Karin Beckhoven (personal communication, 2023) said in an email that 'the fases within the model provide a sollid anker for the TtT-program'. 

impact, dynamics & sustainability

in order to determine the ID&S a matrix was developed. three major stakeholders are identified

1. inholland impact makers

2. learning caoches

3. domains & educational programs

the matrix can be used to increase organisational support and commitment to inholland impact makers and the program in particular.

  • Titel dia

    'excellent mail - I'm very curious'

  • Titel dia

    'love the box! i forgot all about it and i was so surprised it was a serious present' 

  • Titel dia

    'it really got me thinking and it was nice to do this in my own time'

  • Titel dia

    'the story really got me involved'

  • Titel dia

    'love the way you involved the learning coaches! can't wait for the next step'

  • Titel dia

    'your model shows a two way street and that is exactly what fits this proces, a flexible route'



Fryer, B. (june 2001). Storytelling that moves People. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved on 10 january 2023 from https://hbr.org/2003/06/storytelling-that-moves-people

Gamestorming methods (z.d.). Speed Boat. SessionLab. Retrieved on 12 january 2023 from https://www.sessionlab.com/methods/speed-boat

Hicks, K. (august 2023). De 8 beste modellen voor verandermanagement: Een guide ter vergelijking. Zendesk( Retreievd on 15 december 2023 from  https://www.zendesk.nl/blog/change-management-models/

Lewrick, M., Link, P., Leifer, L. (2020). The design thinking tollbox. Wiley

Manchester, B. (march 2021) The power of social-impact storytelling. Forbes. Retrieved on 11 january 2023 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2021/03/05/the-power-of-social-impact-storytelling/?sh=3107058df27f

Planellas, M. & Muni, A. (2020). Strategic decisions, the 30 most useful models. Cambridge University Press.

Smeenk, W. (2023). The co-design canvas. BIS Publishers.

Toolshera (z.d.) Kurt Lewin change model. Retrieved on 12 januari 2023 from https://www.toolshero.nl/verandermanagement/kurt-lewin-change-model/

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