Wendy de Jongh | 06 28 999 078

the model

the model is based on the story and was build with inspiration from existing change models such as Lewin's change management model, McKinsey's 7-S framwork, Kotter's theory of change and the ADKAR change model (read more about the proces...)

the model shows four main fases. the two-way street suggests that you can go back and forward in the proces if needed. this is described as renovation or add on construction. these represents the need for a constant evaluation of the proces. ultimately resulting in sustainable change.

the model is supported by Lewin's three stages of change (toolshero, z.d.):

unfreeze | preparing the change

change | implementation of the change

refreeze | consolidate the change


the first step in the change proces. getting people on board, getting to know eachother and creating a safe and friendly environment.


in order to change we need to commit.

to the the proces, the jobs to be done and to each other. values are made clear.


this is the fase in which work needs to be done. skills and knowledge are shared & developed.

a time to explore and grow and get familiair with the program.


this is where we want to be.

ready to implement all that is learned.

now we are ready for the kick off.


in every fase, evaluation is key.

checking if everybody is still on track and committed.

some things can or need to be change.

add on construction

asking ourselves questions will help to change. do we have access to everything we need in order to change? to be able to learn new skills and ways. we can always add stuff.

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